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Seeking intelligent life forms

I've perhaps landed on the wrong app, but just in case, I am looking for weird (the kooky variety) and wonderful people to have interesting conversations with to share life, passions, dreams and anything else that comes up. I'm going through a divorce so my headspace for jumping into a serious relationship is just not there - but from friendship, who knows where that can take us?
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I don’t know about intelligent but I am a life form.
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hi there,are u for real and where are u located, im Shery from Brampton
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Hmmm…how would you define an intelligent life form??? Wouldn’t want to assume.
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Show your boobs bitch. Please ignore im jist trying to get my account banned since there is no way to delete. Sorry about your divorce. I wish everyone of yall the best. So please show me your boobs
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