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Man, 39
California - United States
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 191
Hair: Black(shaved)
Eyes: Hazel
Love and relationships
Status: Single
Favourite movie: Anything narrated by David Attenborough
Favourite music: Real Lyricist
Favourite book: Sex for dummies
Favourite color: ?>?>❤️
Favourite food: Blacked chicken Alfredo
Favourite sport: Formula 1
Pet: If you want
Idol: Kevin mitnick
Education: Highschool
Profession: Other
Gaming, movies, tattoos, airbrushing, computer hardware enthusiast, stand-up comedy, debating
More informations
38 still not grown up, probably never will, but I know when shit needs to get done. And know that I'm too old for the boyfriend/girlfriend bullshit Im looking for wifey, but before all of that if we can't be friends first we can't be shit
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